Hi krt please hide profile adk sy

Kisah aku sbgai seorg suami yg mmpunyai 3org chya mata..yg slung lelaki brusia 5thun..2org prmpuan brusia 3 dan sthun..kbnyakn dgar suami yg blaku curang tp kisah aku sbliknye..bini aku curang blkng aku, kisah ni bmula ketika bini aku mula berkerja, sblum kerja bini aku surirumah spenuh msa jga ank2..tp satu hri bini aku myatakn hsrat utk bkerja alsan nye nk tlong ak mnambahkn pndptan n smbil tu dia nk ada duit poket sdri..tiap2 bln aku xpnah miss bg dia duit blnje rm300 xmksud brg dpur..brg dpur aku bli gne duit lain..mula2 aku keberatan ut bg dia kerja n sruh jga ank2 je kt umah tp dia ttp bkeras utk bkerja..nk xnk aku bg jga la dia kerja..

Bini aku kerja dkat sbuah kilang electronic, aku plak kerja sbgai TnB..anak2 kte org hntar dkat pngasuh..bini aku bkerja shift, so tiap2 hari aku yg hntar n ambilkn ank2 dkt umah pengasuh, time bini ak shift mlm aku la yg jaga anak2 kt umah mndikn diorg buatkn susu dan suap kn diorg mkn..bak kata aku smua la yg bt..time shift pg plak bini ak msuk krja jam 7pg blik kul6ptg..anak2 aku jga yg ambilkn sb kdg2 kul4 ak dh blik krje..bini aku g krje gn bas transport dri kilang tu..kdang aku yg msak utk diorg kt umah..bini ak blik krje mkn mndi trus tdo..alsan nye pnat krje..so aku xpelh mybe dia btol2 pnat krje, kdg2 xsmpat msak aku bli je lauk kt kdai..

So aku pndekkn crita, bini aku smenjak dh krje lain mcm je prgai dia xmcm dlu..dok mngadap hndpon je xpnah nk layn aku gn anak..bila d tnya ckp group wssap kt tmpt krje, aku jenguk gak apa yg d msg kn tu tp tiba2 bini aku bgun pura2 skit prut nk ke toilet..hndpon d bwa nye msuk toilet..aku btol terkilan..skit hati pn ada..dri stu aku dh mula syak bini aku..smpai satu mse tu bini aku ckp ot ade krje kt kilang dia..klu xsilap aku aritu public holiday sb aku pn cuti aritu xkrje..dh bini aku ckp ot xpelh aku bg je tnpa syak pape..tp sblum dia g krje aku smpat pesan blik krje ptg t aku ambilkn. 

Ptg tu sblum ambil bini aku kerja aku bwa ank2 mkn kt kdai..aku ada tsrempak dgn kwn bini aku, laki gn ank dia pn ada sma..diorg pn tgah mkn jga time tu..kitrorg knal pn mse prgi umah dia time bt birtday ank dia..dia ni krje satu tmpat gn bini aku, dia tgur mkn gn anak2 je ke bini aku mne xdtg ke..lpas tu aku ckp la bini aku kerja ot arini, dia mcm trkjut lpas tu ktwa arini off day mne ada ot..kilang ttup. 

Time tu jgak aku tsentap. Mcm2 dtg dalm fkiran aku.lntas aku prgi tmpt krje bini nk kn kpastian..ye btl2 ttup xde sorg pn krje..aku tggu bini aku dkat kilang tu sb aku jnji nk amik dia krje..aku sngja parking jauh dri kilang, tiba2 aku nmpk bini aku dlam sbuah kereta honda dgn seorg lelaki..Ya allah betapa lruh jntung aku ketika tu, hmpir x prcya apa yg aku lihat..trgamak bini aku curang blkang aku dn mnipu aku hidup2..xsngka bini aku yg dlu seorg setia xpenah skitkn ati aku lyan aku dgn baik jga mkn mnum aku trgmak bt mcm tu kt aku..aku trasa mcm ssuatu yg berat mghempap kt kpala aku time tu.. tnpa sdar jtuh jgak air mata jantan aku yg slma ini aku tahan, berat sgguh dugaan yg menimpa aku..aku btl2 lemah saat ini..

Pda wrga2 krt apa yg prlu aku lakukn..tlong bgi pndangn please..saat ini bini aku xthu yg aku sdah mgetahui psal kcurangan dia..aku prgi tenangkn fkiran, sb aku xbleh tgok wjah bini aku skrg, aku rse mcm nk tmbuk2 je muka dia.aku bgthu dkat dia aku kursus smggu dkat perak..aku fkir ank2 yg tgh mmbsar skrg, diorg prlukn ksih syg ibubpa aku xnk bt kptsan trburu2.

SUMBET : fb krt


Liability insurance is an important aspect of an insurance policy as it will help to protect the business from various losses. For example, claims could be made against personal injury or property damage caused by employees, products or services. Business crime insurance is vital to have some protection in the case of forgery, theft, fraud or robbery. Such criminal activity can have a devastating impact on a business, and such crimes (especially online fraud) have become much more prevalent in the last five years, as the majority of businesses have an online component. Cargo and transportation features should be included if the business is involved in any type of haulage of goods. This will cover against goods that are lost or damaged during transportation (whether delivering or receiving goods). Workers compensation insurance should be a key component of a business insurance policy. This will ensure that the medical needs of the employees are met, should they go through an accident or disease. It will aid them in a quicker return to work where possible, while also protecting the business from potential lawsuits from current or past employees. When comparing insurance providers and premiums in Denver, look for the reputation and experience of the insurer as well as the speed of payout. It is also important to know the speed at which the claim will be handled, as this could drag the business into financial difficulties. Comprehensive insurance for your business is vital in the current economic climate to protect the organization and employees. However, each business has very specific needs, and they can vary from one year to the next. For this reason, an annual review of the insurance coverage is highly recommended to fully cover the business assets. In this sense, an insurance agent in Denver is very useful and can save a business money in the long term.


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